By Pastor Stephen Feinstein
After explaining very precisely what man’s dilemma is as
well as God’s solution to our dilemma, Schaeffer then moved to the next logical
question. Is it true? If so, how do we know it is true? His chapter on this is
very insightful. After all, what this question is really asking is whether or
not the gospel is really true? If so, how can we know it?
In Schaeffer’s illustration, the ripped pages in the book
represent the abnormal universe and the abnormal humanity that now exists. A
universe that is orderly, and yet is headed toward entropy (self-destruction),
and an immoral humanity with moral absolutes is clearly abnormal. A mortal
humanity that has immortality on its heart is also abnormal. Clearly, if we
only had an abnormal universe and an abnormal humanity to study, then we would
be like the person trying to understand the tattered book by only reading the
fragments left within the broken book. We only could know that the pieces we
can see are not random, but other than that we could not the know the story or
the purpose. The Scriptures are the torn pieces found in the attic. With them,
all the pieces come together. It explains all that is missing from the tattered
book, and it coherently makes sense of everything. It defines the problem, and
it shows the solution. It enlightens us to what went wrong and how it will be
fixed. More than that, it accurately addresses the obvious abnormality of the
universe and man, explains the cause, provides the meta-narrative that
illuminates the solution, and it does this without true contradiction. No other
worldview even comes close to doing this.
Materialists simply stare at the abnormal universe and abnormal
man and try to reason from that starting point. When they do so, they do it in
a way that causes them to deny the obvious traits of design that are apparent
in the universe and man. Other religions are no better. They do not get the
dilemma right, and therefore they do not offer any real solution. Only
Christianity provides the explanation. Schaeffer writes, “The question is
whether the communication given by God completes and explains the portions we
had before and especially whether it explains what was obvious before, though
without an explanation – that is, that the universe exists and the universe and
“mannishness” of man are not just a chance configuration of the printer’s
scrambled type.” To put it another way, Christianity alone is like the
situation where the torn pages outside the book match the pages inside the
book. Furthermore, it alone creates a coherent story once it is combined with
the pages inside the book. These two facts are indisputable evidence that the
Bible is what it claims to be, namely, the Word of God.
If you assume the atheist position that impersonal time plus
chance have produced personal man, then you have a problem. Your theory runs
against all experience and observation. Furthermore, it requires a leap of
faith to believe impersonal foundations can create personal beings since such
has never been observed. All experience shows that persons come from persons.
We have seen farmers create a farm, but we have never seen a farm create a
farmer. We have seen people create factories, but we have never seen factories
create people. So against all experience and observation, the materialist must
appeal back to some single event where the opposite allegedly occurred, and
somehow started the chain reaction of personal foundations now leading to
persons. For sure this is a metaphysical position rather than one of physics.
Furthermore, it must cling to irrationality at its core. An impersonal universe
mixed with impersonal time and impersonal chance has no true direction and no
true purpose. Thus, it has no rational basis, but instead is by definition
irrational. And yet the atheist seeks to be rational in his thinking, in his
understanding of science, and in his social opinions. Clearly, the
atheistic/materialistic answer to the question of the abnormal universe and
abnormal man cannot be lived out consistently. It does not match what we see in
the real world. It does not match our experience. It is inherently irrational,
and therefore it is received by faith. It is no better than the mystical leap
that was taken by liberal theologians.
Christianity begins with the existence of the
infinite-personal God and man’s creation in His image and a Fall that happened
in space and time. In its presentation of this, God’s Word is without
contradiction. Furthermore, Christianity presents an answer that is livable.
Its answer matches daily human experience. Its truth allows for the increased
knowledge of man, the pursuit of scientific discovery, and yet it also accounts
for the fact that something is greatly wrong with us. So why do atheists reject
the truth? It is because they accept without any question their fundamental
assumption. They assume, or better put, they believe by faith, that there
exists a uniformity of nature in a closed-system. By faith they believe that
uniformity exists without explanation, and that the universe is a closed system
with no outside actor. Transcendentally this is impossible, and therefore some
materialists these days are appealing to a multiple universe model, but that
too fails. It is nothing more than an escape device that supposedly bails them
out of their groundless position.
So in the end, what is it going to be? Unbelieving man is
left with either rationalism or irrationalism. Rationalism is the idea that man
can autonomously learn truth, meaning, and purpose to the universe with his own
intellectual faculties alone. Human finitude makes this impossible. We are too
limited to justify true knowledge due to our lack of omniscience. Thus, others
embrace irrationality. Irrationalism is the idea that there is no meaning to
anything, and human reasoning is incapable to proving the contrary. So we are
left with skepticism then. Yet, no one lives this way. Even the skeptic walks
around as if he knows things and interacts with the world as though there is
meaning and purpose. So he too is wrong in his assumption.
The Christian is not in the same sad state of groundless
epistemology. We are rational, though not rationalists. We know A is A and A is
not non A. We believe in reason. The difference is we know that reason cannot
begin with man. Reason exists because God exists and He created the world
reasonably and created mankind to interact with the world using reason. This is
why humans can know and learn things despite our finitude. We do not need to
embrace purposeless irrationalism. And we can justify the existence of rational
thought. Once again, our worldview alone makes sense of everything we see in
human experience, including even the ability to reason.
Schaeffer provided a very strong and rational basis for
Christian belief with what he wrote in this chapter, and at the same time he
savaged unbelieving thought. Yet, he also did not want anyone to miss the big
point of it. All of this is meant to cause us to marvel at the wonders of God
who made all that we see, and who is the ground for all that we experience. May
we praise the God of the Bible. May we ever draw closer to Him in worship and
adoration. Amen.
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